The Septier Mobile Guard Tower provides several benefits over traditional fixed installations regarding monitoring and preventing the usage of illegal devices in correctional facilities.

This highly versatile and decentralized system, offers tactical acquisition and protocol-based positioning of cellular devices in its area of coverage while also enabling last-mile positioning for operational activity, IMSI catching activities, and blocking Wi-Fi connections and hotspots. Based on the Septier GUARDIAN™ technology platform and the fixed solution Septier Guard TowerMobile Guard Tower represents a versatile and decentralized way to manage cellular devices in correctional facilities within the prison compound.

Septier Mobile Guard Tower can provide critical information for tactical teams to perform last-mile operations and disrupt the smuggling of illegal devices, trafficking other illicit activities within the prison.

Thanks to the employment of the Hunter™ Direction Finder, an ultra-sensitive directional finder, it is possible to pinpoint the location of potential targets.

Key feature – mobile solution

The latest evolution of Septier’s Guard Tower, the Mobile Guard Tower, overcomes all the challenges related to fixed installations and boosts its performance in maintaining security in he correctional facility.

In addition, it is available in a number of form factors to serve different types of operational scenarios, from rigid suitcases to vehicle-mounted installations to portable backpacks, with a transmission power of 10mW to 600W total, depending on the configuration.

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